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There is a vast array of backlink building strategies. Some are successful, others not so much. Understanding the mechanics of link building is crucial for any company owner who wants to increase traffic on their website. However, even though there are so many different approaches to link building, you need to ask yourself one question; What type of backlinks does your business need?

How To Calculate Link Value?

You must understand that not all links have the same value. One of the most valuable pieces of advice for any SEO beginner is to learn which links are useful and which are not. There are a couple of elements that determine the link value:

The authority of a linking website – in simple words, it is not the same if you get a backlink from Forbes or an utterly unknown website that no one has ever heard of. The authority of the website that links back to you plays a crucial role here.

Link status – a backlink can be no-follow or do-follow. To make a link no-follow or do-follow, you need to add the rel=”nofollow” or rel=”dofollow” attribute in the body of the link. No-follow links tell Google to disregard them as tools to build SEO rank. On the other hand, do-follow links give Google a signal that it needs to track these links since they add value to the website. Spamming with do-follow links is not a good idea, and you should use them only if you have quality cornerstone content.

Link position – links that hold the most value for Google are those that appear in the main content of the website. Less important backlinks are usually in the sidebar, footer, header, or navigation menu.

What Type Of Backlinks Does Your Business Need?


Now that you understand more about the factors that impact link value, let’s see what type of backlinks your business need. Remember that it all comes down to what works best for you, so it is crucial to choose the right approach when it comes to link building.

Backlinks That Come From Guest Blogging

Guest posting is a very effective strategy that will get you links. When you write a guest post and publish it on another website, they usually allow you to link back to your website as a reward.

Remember that people need quality content, so your articles must provide value for them. Furthermore, some websites allow only no-follow backlinks, and some websites require a fee you need to pay if you want to post a do-follow backlink. Also, there is probably a limit to how many no-follow or do-follow links you may add in one article.

The Importance Of Editorial Backlinks

Editorial backlinks are one of the most valuable types of backlinks. If you become an authority figure on a particular subject and post relevant content, other websites may decide to link back to you. If a website cites someone from your company or refers to you as a source of verified information, that counts as an editorial link. Another example is if a website interviews someone associated with your business website.

The most successful strategy to get editorial backlinks is to create shareable evergreen content with a lot of value and support it with a strong marketing strategy.

Business Back-links

A very successful trend in the last few years is creating online business profiles. That way, you can advertise and brand your company, and you can add a link to your websites’ homepage in that profile. The most useful channels for business profiles include business listings, social media platforms, and directories focused on your industry.

An excellent approach is to create profiles on review websites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, etc. That way, you can expose your business to a wide array of potential customers, get valuable feedback and customer reviews, and allow reviewers to visit your website by clicking on the link in the profile.

Give A Free Tool To Your Visitors

Remember that websites appreciate content that can relate to their customers and add value. There is nothing better than placing a download link to a free online tool for people to download. You have two options in front of you:

● create a brand new free tool app;

● or create a free version of your paid app;

Once you have that setup, there is a high chance that other websites will link back to your tool if they find it valuable. Remember that people love free stuff.

Recognition Badge Backlinks

Have you ever had an experience when you visited a website and saw they have good recommendations from a brand you know and love? A recognition badge is something that brands create and give to other websites as a way of saying, “thanks for doing what you do; we acknowledge and recognize your effort and quality”. This is like a stamp that proves the quality of your website.

A good example of badge backlinks is a page on a website named “Company Partners” or “Our friends”. When you click on it, you will see links to other verified websites that cooperate with that brand.

Remember to form partnerships with strong companies and use those connections to get valuable links.

What Type Of Backlinks To Avoid?

If you have ever asked yourself what type of links does your business need, you probably thought about the backlinks you should avoid. It is imperative to know how to tell the difference between good and bad links.

You should definitely stay as far away as possible from:

● Paid links – you will find many offers online where people promise to get tens of thousands of backlinks for your website if you pay them. You might consider this strategy if no one wants to link to your website, but try to resist that urge.

● Forum links – link farms are forums where website owners gather to exchange links just for the sake of it. Bad idea!

● Content created solely for the purpose of getting more links – unnatural links are easily visible, so don’t create meaningless articles just to get a few links in; no one likes that!

So, in the end, what type of backlinks does your business need? We would advise not to focus on a single source or type. Mix them up to get the best results. That is the only way to acquire organic backlinks to build your website authority. Remember that this does not happen overnight, so be persistent and patient!