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Every time when the gigantic search engine, Google updates its algorithm, stress and tension occur for the webmasters, as it directly affects their rankings.

However, the changes are inevitable and nothing can help prevent one from it, but there are some measures, which can help lessen the effect (to a great extent). However, this is only possible, if one follows white hat SEO.

Under the white hat SEO service, the following are a few strategies that help prevent sites from getting vulnerable to the negative effects of Search Engine Algorithm Changes-

Count Keyword Relevancy as a Priority

Believe it or not, still, there are hundreds of webmasters, who do not count relevancy as a priority during their keyword research. If they manage to find a keyword with good search volume and comparatively lesser competition, even if it is loosely connected to their project, they will not hesitate to include it in their list. Avoid this habit now, as the relevancy of keywords to your website is a major concern for Google.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords have been neglected for a long time now considering they cannot bring enough traffic to the site. The fact is another way round-long tail keywords tend to fluctuate less at the time of changes in algorithm because they are less prone to competition.

Jump out of the League of Competitive Keywords

Less competitive keywords might not be long-tail keywords, but likewise, they are not prone to effects of search engine updates, these too are not affected by the updates. The explanation to this fact is that many sites compete for a certain specific keyword and at times of algorithm chances, the results turn out to be worst, which makes them rank in hundred.

Give Content the respect, a King Deserves!

Nothing works more than good content does! While everyone knows that (probably), hardly a few actually create content that works wonders.

If you want a protective shield against Google updates (which are mostly somehow related to ‘Content’), get hell-bent over creating content masterpieces. That one thing alone can make you the winner in your game.

Back Linking should be done with Strategic Planning, not Blindly!

Every backlink is a good backlink was the history; while high PR backlinks are good, is the recent past.

Things have gone to a whole new level. Now relevancy and purpose are two most crucial parameters that judge the quality of a backlink. Keep that in mind while drafting your link building strategy.

Say ‘Hi’ to PPC

In order to have constant traffic on the website, many experts make use of PPC, which is a very effective way to get business.

Remember, Social Media is Gearing Up!

Sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, etc. are free to use and bring a lot of traffic. Moreover, traffic from social sites is targeted as well. This is why it is the first choice of professionals.